International Journals (SCIE)
- Accurate and Fast Vehicle Trajectory Prediction using State Space Models (IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2025, SCIE, JIF Q1, Q1, Q1 (2023 IF: 14), SCOPUS(Cite score: 12.1), Donghyeok Tak, Hun-Hui Lee, Hyun-Jong Lee, and Jae-Han Lim, This paper is under review)
- Energy-Efficient Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation Responding to Incomplete Wi-Fi Preambles with Spiking Neural Networks (IEEE Sensors Journal, 2025, SCIE, JIF Q1, Q1, Q2 (2023 IF: 4.3), SCOPUS (Cite score: 7.7), Hyun-Jong Lee, Dong-Hoon Kim, and Jae-Han Lim, This paper is under review)
- Adaptive Synaptic Adjustment Mechanism to Improve Learning Performances of Spiking Neural Networks (Wiley Computational Intelligence, 2024, SCIE, JIF Q3 (2023 IF: 1.8), SCOPUS (Cite score: 6.9), Hyun-Jong Lee, and Jae-Han Lim)
- Wi-Fi frame detection via spiking neural networks with memristive synapses (Elsevier Computer Communications, 2023, SCIE, JIF Q1, Q1, Q1 (2023 IF: 4.5), SCOPUS (Cite score: 14.1), Hyun-Jong Lee, Dong-Hoon Kim, and Jae-Han Lim)
- To Predict or to Relay: Tracking Neighbors via Beaconing in Heterogeneous Vehicle Conditions (IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2022, SCIE, JIF Q1, Q1 (2023 IF: 7.7), SCOPUS (Cite score: 12.9), Top journal, Jae-Han Lim, Katsuhiro Naito, Ji-Hoon Yun, and Eun-Kyu Lee)
- Design of Optimized Coded LFM Waveform for Spectrum Shared Radar System (MDPI sensors, 2021, SCIE, JIF Q2, Q2, Q2 (2023 IF: 3.4), SCOPUS (Cite score: 7.3), Dong-Hoon Kim, Hyung Jung Kim, and Jae-Han Lim)
- Modeling Accuracy of Estimating Neighbor’s Evolving Position in VANET (MDPI applied science, 2020, SCIE, JIF Q1, Q2 Q2, Q3 (2023 IF: 2.5), SCOPUS (Cite score: 5.3), Jae-Han Lim, and Eun-Kyu Lee)
International Conferences
- Anonymous paper (ICML 2025, Anonymous authors, This paper is under review)
- Cooperative Trajectory Prediction using IVC and Accuracy-Aware Attention with Inaccurate GPS Data (IEEE MASS 2024, Jae-Han Lim, Katsuhiro Naito, Donghyeok Tak, and Yeon-Sup Lim)
- Trajectory Prediction of Neighboring Vehicles via Periodic Beaconing with Inaccurate GPS Data (IEEE PIMRC 2023, Jae-Han Lim, Katsuhiro Naito, and Yeon-Sup Lim)
- Analysis on Effects of Fault Elements in Memristive Neuromorphic Systems (IJCAI 2023 workshop, Top conference, Hyun-Jong Lee, and Jae-Han Lim)
- Performance Analysis of Spiking Neural Networks with Memristive Synapse in Detecting and Classifying RF Wave Signals (ICTC 2022, Hyun-Jong Lee, Dong-Hoon Kim, Dong-Gyun Kim, Yun-Sup Lim, and Jae-Han Lim)
- Experiment on Threshold in Ambient Backscatter Communication with Amplitude Modulation (ICTC 2021, Dong-Gyun Kim, and Jae-Han Lim)
Domestic Journals (KCI)
- SNN 기반 연합학습의 이미지 분류 성능 및 에너지 효율성 분석 (한국통신학회논문지, 2024 KCI, Scopus, 김동균, 임재한, 이현종, 임연섭)
- SNN을 이용한 저전력 침입 탐지 시스템 (한국통신학회논문지, 2024, KCI, Scopus, 허정윤, 이현종, 임재한)
- 802.11p V2X 통신에서 LSTM 기반 고성능 Link Adaptation 메커니즘 (한국통신학회논문지, 2024, Best paper 선정, KCI, Scopus, 권상원, 김수현, 임재한)
- 템포럴 코딩과 레이트 코딩을 이용한 Spiking Neural Network의 RF 신호 탐지 및 분류 성능 분석 (한국통신학회논문지, 2023, KCI, Scopus, 이현종, 임재한)
Domestic conferences
- YOLOv8n에서의 단일 계층 ANN to SNN 변환 (한국통신학회 동계학술대회 2025, 허정윤, 임재한)
- YOLOv3-Tiny 를 이용한 자율주행 차량의 객체 탐지 시스템과 SNNs 변환 (한국통신학회 동계학술대회 2024, 허정윤, 임재한)
- STDP 를 이용한 DDoS 공격 패킷 분석 (한국통신학회 동계학술대회 2023, 허정윤, 임재한)
- 뉴로모픽 시스템을 위한 인코딩 및 디코딩 인터페이스 구축 (한국통신학회 동계학술대회 2023, 탁동혁, 임재한)
- 스파이킹 뉴럴 네트워크 기반 와이파이 프레임 탐지 장치 및 방법 (발명자: 이현종, 임재한)
- 시냅스 가중치 조절 방법 및 컴퓨터 시스템 (발명자: 이현종, 임재한)
- 스파이킹 뉴럴 네트워크 기반 침입 탐지 시스템 (발명자: 허정윤, 임재한)