Prof. Jae-Han Lim
Address: Kwangwoon-ro 20, Nowon-gu, Seoul, Korea (01897)
Office: Sae-bit building, 805
Researchers & Students
이현종 연구원 (Hyun-Jong Lee): Algorithms for Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) with neuromorphic systems and AI-inspired wireless communication systems (SNN team and Lab manager)
탁동혁 연구원 (Donghyeok Tak): Neuromorphic system interface hardware and testbed software / Vehicle trajectory prediction for autonomous driving and Mamba SSM application (Self-driving car team)
김동균 연구원 (Dong-Gyun Kim): Federated SNNs (SNN team)
허정윤 연구원 (Jeong-Yoon Heo): Various applications for SNNs (SNN team)
이훈희 연구원 (Hoon-Hui Lee): Developing self-driving system in positioning (Self-driving car team)
한용옥 학생 (Yongok Han): Neural network and machine learning
정민석 학생 (Min-Seok Jung): Radar signal processing (Radar team)
졸업생 (Alumni)
- 김수현 (성균관대 석박통합과정)
휴학생 (Students on leave)
- 권상원 (넛지헬스케어)
전직 연구원 (Previous postdoctoral researchers)
- 김동훈 (인천대학교)
컨택: (이현종 연구원)
Contact: (Hyun-Jong Lee)